MailChimp Marketing Mini-Course: Part 4.02—Crafting Effective Email Titles (A Guide for Beginners)

MailChimp Marketing Mini-Course: Part 4.02—Crafting Effective Email Titles (A Guide for Beginners)

Alright everybody, so let's talk about a topic that a lot of people, you know, a lot of people want to talk about, a lot of people have some issues with, and that's with crafting titles for your emails. Crafting the perfect email title is crucial for engaging your audience and ensuring your emails are opened and read. In this guide, we'll explore strategies for creating effective email titles that build trust and drive engagement.

Why Email Titles Matter

Email titles are the first impression your subscribers have of your email content. A well-crafted title can significantly increase your open rates and improve your email marketing success. The basic thing is to try to avoid over-hypey emails; you don’t want to use too many click-baity email titles that trick your subscribers into clicking your emails. Establishing trust through honest and clear communication is key.

Keep It Simple and Specific

The best way to create an effective email title is to pick titles that clearly explain what your email is about. For example, my first email title is simply "Welcome." It's very basic, yet it sets the right expectation. You want to keep your email titles very specific. This helps in establishing trust with your audience and ensures that your content delivers on the promise of the title.

Avoid Overly Lengthy Titles

When crafting your email titles, make sure they are not overly lengthy. While a little detail is good, you don’t want to overwhelm your audience with too much information in the title itself. For instance, "What is the average salary of a front-end web developer?" is specific but not too long, making it a good balance.

Using Numbering for Organization

Using numbers in your email titles can help subscribers organize and follow your content more effectively. Titles like "HTML Basics Number One: Let's Get Started with HTML" indicate a sequence and help your audience track their progress through your content. This method is particularly useful for courses or series-based content.

Analyzing Open Rates

It's essential to monitor how your email titles are performing. You can see here that my clicks and open rates are pretty good, with rates like 80%, 70% for the first email, and then gradually decreasing. The average open rate is around 20 to 30%, which is typical for many email campaigns.

Understanding Average Open Rates

Don't feel discouraged if your open rates are around 20 to 30%. This range is normal, and anything above 30% is generally considered excellent. If your rates are within this range, you are doing just fine. Over time, you can experiment with different strategies to see what works best for your audience.

Testing and Iterating

Once your business is established and you're making money, you can begin cross-testing different email titles to see which ones perform better. However, when you are just starting, it's best to keep it simple. Focus on delivering quality content and building trust with your audience.


Crafting effective email titles is an essential skill for any email marketer. By keeping your titles simple, specific, and trustworthy, you can improve your open rates and build a stronger relationship with your subscribers. Remember, the key is to let readers know what they're clicking and what they're reading about. With these strategies, you should achieve decent open rates and set a solid foundation for your email marketing efforts.

Continue the Mini-Course

MailChimp Marketing Mini-Course: Part 4.01—The Ultimate Guide to Repurposing Content for Email Marketing Success

Next Post: MailChimp Marketing Mini-Course: Part 4.03—Understanding Why People Unsubscribe from Your Email List and How to Minimize It

About the author
Aly Macklin

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